What a difference a day (or two) makes...

1 minute read time.

So, my last post was pretty desperate, and I apologise for that. However, I am proud that through sheer determination I got myself back to work, smoothed things over with the fella, even went out, did some shopping, cooked a kick ass lasagne and even kicked ass at work. 

I will be avoiding alcohol until I learn to recognise the warning signs that I could implode/explode. I don't want to be a burden or a hassle to anyone and I also don't want my health to suffer. I know someone mentioned AA but I'm not quite sure whether I'm at that point yet. For a horrible situation, I'm not actually doing too bad on the old coping front. My parents are proud of me (said so in a text t'other day!), I'm holding down my job, house, financials etc. I think I could be doing a lot worse. 

I'm sure this will all reverse on me the next time Dad goes in to hospital or fella is a bit naff at the old understanding emotions side (poor bloke can't help it...it's the Y chromosome ;) ). But for now, I'm signing off on a high (natural, btw). 

I'm off to Lyme Park so prance around the countrside pretending to be Elizabeth Bennet with the fella before stopping off at my grandparents whom I haven't seen for ages. They'll get to meet the fella for the first time which is great because the last one they got introduced to was a bit of a loser (proud to show this one off). 

On top of that, Dad has been feeling better this week, managed to go out for a meal even! So, I'm going to enjoy this up while it's here and remember this weekend when the next down comes along. 

Have a great one MacFriends

