Radiotherapy gave me a heart attack

1 minute read time.

Hello all

It's been a while scince I've blogged. I returned to work last september having had a year off after my diagnosis with breast cancer. I have been trying so hard to return to 'normal' both for my own mental peace and my darling little girls. Things were going well, but fate decieded to hand me another blow, I had a heart attack on march 1st this year, caused by the radiotherapy I had. I thought that being told I had cancer was scary, but I really saw my life flash before me on that day. So I'm back to square one again, stuck in a rut, off work with no money again, not allowed to do anything. I should be grateful to still be here, but I just canot get passed my anger. The last thing I want is to end up a bitter patient but I had been telling all the doctors that I was feeling really poorly, getting weaker and weaker physically with pains in my left arm and at times in my right one as well!! Sometimes I couldn't even climb my stairs at home. The doctors ( my G.P. and my consultant at the hospital) just kept brushing me off, telling me that it was a chest infection??? so much for the heart scans I was having because of the herceptin I was getting, clearly something was missed, and I paid the price for it. I feel totally let down by the medical people I have been relying on, they should surely have had alarm bells ringing.

Even the nurse in the E.D at the hospital gave me the brush off. I think she took one look at me and thought I was to young to be having a herat attack because she bluntly told me to calm down and that she couldn't help me unless I start helping myself. However, it is rather difficult to focus on being calm when your body is starting to shut down from a lack of oxygen and when your pain level is so intense. I hope she ate her words that night, I hope I visit her in her dreams the way she keeps wading through mine.

Six weeks on and I haven't heard from the hospital with any follow up appointments and once again I find myself relying on the people who so badly let me down.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Motherofone.So sorry for what youve been through.Are you on treatment for your heart? I would certainly want an apology.Are you expecting any kind of operation? I hope you get sorted out soon.HUGS

  • FormerMember

    Thx for your kindness janique, I have had 4 stents put in 2 arteries and came away from hospital with loads of pills to take again. Shouldn't be any more surgery, just waiting for follow up's now xx Keep strong xx