taste buds

1 minute read time.

My situation with this disease consisted of a primary cancer in a tonsil and 3 secondaries in neck lymph nodes. The tonsil was removed surgically and the lymph nodes treated with chemo and radiotherapies.

The radiotherapy sessions, of which there were 35, following weeks of chemo, ended early in November 2012. That is now almost 3 months ago. Many of you will know how radiotherapy kills the saliva glands after 3 weeks of treatment and how, in their death throes, they produce copious amounts of thick mucus for a few weeks sometimes. When this subsides, the less troublesome problem of dry mouth follows, and when not completely reliant on the PEG tube, the tastebud issue will be realised.

I've now rambled sufficiently to the point where I come to the title subject "taste buds". Well mine aren't good at all. They're well crippled and I'm afraid that they won't heal/repair. I do feel that they have improved a little, since I became able to take (some) foods orally again but I'm impatient to enjoy my favourite eats. Christmas dinner, cooked by our youngest daughter was a wonderful sight. I managed 5 teaspoons of it before my throat was in agony, and that was with the help of 'oxetacaine' which is a throat coating anaeshetic. But things are improving. Here in the final week of January only half my food is 'fortisip' and the rest is whatever I can get myself to fancy. All taken orally now - nothing down the peg tube. I'm sure that if the taste buds would improve, I'd be inspired to eat more and regain some lost weight.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Len.   I am sorry that you have found yourself here due to your cancer and treatments, but this is a marvellous community to be a part of. Well almost five years ago now I had extensive surgery followed by twenty fractions of radiotherapy for floor of mouth cancer .... a well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma to give it the correct name. So I have also travelled that long-haul journey and can understand what you are going through all too well !

    Firstly, I noticed that you haven't joined the Head and Neck Cancer group yet ? I would recommend that you join us as there are others going through the mill too ( both patients and carers ) and there are discussions on every aspect of all the treatments / side effects and so on. If you post over there more people will see you, too.

    Yes, I have also had to have a nasogastric tube at the end of my RT as the radiation made a mess of me .... been through excruciating pain, that horrid mucus and so on. Not a brilliant few months in my life, to be sure ! I lived off Ensure Plus drinks for ages until I could manage a few teaspoons of soup and I have now graduated to a soft textured diet .... about time really. Regarding my taste buds, they have more or less recovered okay - although some things I used to like tastes horrible now, strange - but it did take some time for this to happen. Even the dry mouth isn't as bad as it initially was and I have a little saliva again .... although not enough for dry foods. I find the Biotene dry mouth products work well and I always have water nearby, even when out and about.

    So things do improve with time .... it's a case of being patient, so good luck with your recovery.

    Joycee x