radio phone - in regarding cancer drug funding

Less than one minute read time.

For anyone interested there was a radio phone-in this morning about the cancer drug funding (or lack of it) on the Vanessa Feltz show BBC Radio London - and I spoke to her for ages about it.

You can listen to it on bbc i player from tomorrow I think, and I was on around 11.30 am talking about cyberknife, funding, drugs etc. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Deejay

    I didn't hear this but I'll look it up and will definitely listen in.

    I awoke at 7am to BRMB news (a Birmingham radio station)  with a politician stating that anyone who (in a nutshell) may not survive cancer should not be offered drugs to prolong life as the cost is too expensive to the NHS.  After sitting in an NHS hospital most of yesterday evening with Dad (and not sleeping last night) I didn't quite catch his name.

    I am going to Google him as it will be helpful knowing which party NOT to vote for in future.  Sorry, but it's not this black and white when you are faced with a loved one's prognosis.

    Cancer funding in this country is a joke.  Please don't get me started.  We always thought that the 'postcode lottery' may be a myth.  Nope, it's alive and well and it's shameful.

    Sarah x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarah.How awful.Please let us know which politician it was.Thanks

  • FormerMember

    Hi deejay

    I think I heard you if you were the one putting off the decision - how strong you are.  I found it scary but really informative and it seems we do suffer being in England with lack of drugs being available without having to fight for them.  It's a difficult enough journey without fighting for a basic right - to have the best chance of being cured.


  • FormerMember

    Sorry this was to Sarah - not got the hang of this yet.


  • FormerMember

    didnt hear the programme but have read this in the papers , would these people who say that cancer drugs are too expensive for the  terminally  ill  have the same view if it was their own life on the line , would they heck!

    i agree to what Kathy has said its a basic right to have the best chance of being cured , and the big worry is can we be confident of getting that here in the uk


    my husband has adenocarcinoma inoperable and i have no intentions of letting anyone shove him quietly into the goodnight believe me