Quite Simply - It Was Your Time

3 minute read time.

My dearest D.,

This is probably the last letter I may write publicly to you and certainly on this site. You see, it's time to leave the pain behind.......

Today arose a strange and unplanned juxtaposition of 3 significant happenings. 

In your diary, you wrote for Nov 1st., 'Cancer Metastases!' That's all. Didn't really need to say anything else. 2 years ago. Your day of diagnosis. I'd stopped remembering 'dates' and 'anniversaries' and counting weeks and months since...........  but had to find an obscure address, so I went to your diary. And then I saw it.

And today, I'd arranged to go back to the hospice to talk to your chief doctor. Talk about anything to do with your time in that hospice, etc ..... such as it was. Try to put everything to rest. I think I already had a perspective on things, and today's visit just reinforced that & reinforced that it was, quite simply, Your Time. Everything possible was done. It Was how It Was. And the details are not for here. They are for you & me & our kids to know. And perhaps I can now close the box, put the lid on things etc etc. What a wonderful team looked after you, D. They really knew you, knew the sort of man you were, were doing everything they could to help you to grasp Life and keep going. But you couldn't. And they couldn't either, in the end. So I walked away, standing as tall as the tallest mountain, breathing oh so deeply, and bam........... right in the guts when I wasn't looking. So I had to go to the chapel, look at the blue and yellow window, walk the labyrinth, light a candle, sit quietly and remember you.........  God damn it. You left this city as you arrived in it. You were never going quietly, were you, you crazy man. 

I arrived home to find an email from the man who is carving your headstone. I've left it this long to finalise the details. Well, you weren't going anywhere were you? And the design and the lettering and everything about it is my tribute to you and what we all feel about you. Don't care if it bankrupts me. It's what you deserve.

3 events. One day. The same date. 

In the last 2/3 weeks, I have heard myself say, 'I am so lucky,' many times. I AM SO LUCKY. Can't believe I can say that. Never thought it would be possible. I have friends (and what friends they are, too), lovely kids, wonderful neighbours..... how lucky am I? And most of all, I have a choice. You didn't have, my dearest, and that makes me oh so sad. But I am going to make the best of that choice, remembering the man who made it possible for me to keep going, keep living, taking every chance that comes along to make the best of every bloomin' day. And oh I am so so grateful for the time I spent with you - annoying, irritating, impossible, intolerant, etc etc as you were but also .....generous, thoughtful, dignified, stoical, determined, brave and oh so bloody loveable. 

And I have worked something out which makes me smile.......  When they bury me on top of you, as I decay, just possibly, one or two of my molecules may join with one or two of your molecules and we will make a blade of grass. How bloody amazing is that. That, my friend, is resurrection. And that, my dearest, is how I will see you again. And I can accept that idea and smile.

Time to go, get on with Life and Seize the Day, on your behalf and mine. Thank you dear D. Thank you a thousand million times over. God was I lucky to meet you.......

Jen X

  • FormerMember

    Oh my dear friends

    I am soooooooo embarrassed. First, thank you all for your very kind comments. You have all been part of the change that is happening. You have given me encouragement, hope, support and just stood by me when I needed strength. All of you. Thank you so much. 

    But Cruton, no. I have all the grumpy, short-tempered, intolerant characteristics I'm afraid. And if I have helped any of you at all, it wasn't really me, it was D, his influence, his way of trying to behave and change himself for the better which showed me a way of being to which I could aspire. I said 'aspire,' note. I am human after all, and don't have an ounce of his courage or persistence.

    And LM, your turn I think. You know how much you have helped me so much. One of the ways was by telling me how it is from 'the other side of the fence.' When I was in one of my darkest moments, giving myself a hard time for not being what D needed, and trying to understand why he couldn't always talk to me, well you explained how that could be. And your response to this blog post - well I have to walk away so you can't see the tears....... And I would say to you what I would say to Cruton, no you've got the wrong person. I think it's D we should all acknowledge. 

    Interesting that  in many belief systems and religions, this time of year is a time for reflection and remembering those who have left our lives. Guess it may be something to do with a change in the seasons, moving from light to dark, summer to autumn to winter. And that reflection is tied to a chance to give thanks and be grateful for those who have died and left. Gratitude. Well here's another take on the resurrection theme. The passing away of those we loved so dearly gives us a chance to make new friendships and reinforce old friendships, and be on the receiving end of so much love. How amazing is that too. 

    Must go. Need a box of tissues......

    Jen XXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen

    Bringing up the rear as usual!

    Just wanted to send you my love and best wishes for whatever and wherever life takes you from here on in.

    Much love




  • FormerMember

    Dear Jen. Amazing blog. Thank you. My sister is full of love just like you. Love Orrion x x 

  • Amazed that I met you and we are on the same page ,,, always will be grateful for you Jen xxxxx Niamh I too am leaving the pain behind xxxxx the only way is up now ,,,,,, xx
  • FormerMember

    Wow that is wonderful, and such a lovely way to see the future.  Take care Jen xxx