Depressed and tired

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I read other people's blogs with interest but have never created one of my own - until now. I will be having my 4th FEC75 this coming Tuesday and I guess all-in-all am not suffering that much and just feel very pathetic. The worst difficulty I have is this incredible 'heaviness' and exhaustion - I can quite happily rest for what is probably most of the day - I get up to do something then become so tired and unsteady that I rest - often waking up a few hours later! My head seems permanently 'muzzy'. I can cope with the nausea, sore throat, heartburn, sore mouth etc. but just do not seem to have days where I actually feel fine such as the week before my next cycle - just pockets. I know that we all have individual reactions but just wondered whether there were others who react or have reacted the same as I appear to be doing - the first cycle was the best for me. I am down to have between 6 - 8 cycles and so very much want to make the 8.

  • FormerMember

    hi puti

    sorry you are feeling so exhausted im on chemo no 5 this thursday hopefully if my bloods are ok yes its not nice and i guess we all have our bad days i find the side effects of my chemo just appear every so often after the first week of constant effects when you least expect them and the tiredness just hits you and you have to go to bed whether you want to or not but stay positive babe we will get through this and keep writing your blogs take care lov and hugs jen xxxx

  • Dear jennifer52

    Thank you for your kind reply. I find it hard to blog - to express how I really feel - mostly guilty at sounding like a 'moaning minnie' when I read and meet others who have so much more to contend me with than I do and who are so much younger with a life and dreams still to be forged.

    I hope that your chemo no 5 goes well for you  and will be thinking of you.

    love and hugs

    Rita xx

  • FormerMember

    I've had 3 lots of chemo, a hemicolectomy, an ileostomy and I'm now told that further surgery is not possible and that I will have to put up with liquidising my food to avoid the half a dozen constrictions in my small bowel. Further chemo soon possibly.

    No one seems interested in the main problem that is depression, I have some experiencing of counselling and psychiatry and I don't need a talking to or discussion, reflection, cognitive therapy etc.

    We are all supposed to stay positive and happy, well I've done that for 6 years, now I can't be bothered.

    It's ok to get down, but I think the level of help offerred is poor and needs addressing.