Third Chemo

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3rd chemo visit 14th August 2024. 

First, more good news - PSA has now dropped from 1.22 (1/7/24) to 0.54 (22/7/24)  to 0.19 (14/8/24).

Had routine ECG before treatment, all perfect.

Cannula inserted at 2nd attempt, first by nurse unsuccessful but then their "expert" was called who sucessfully inserted on his first attempt. Infusion completed with no issues.

Same package of drugs as before, and was also provided with mouthwashes to head off potential mouth problems if they start as on first two cycles.

Felt fine morning after, hopefully this cycle will not produce any additional problems, we'll see!

  • Well that's great news about your PSA (I had mine done yesterday and after 32 months on HT it's only down to 0.29!! Unamused).

    The Chemo looks to be doing it's stuff - lets hope you dodge the side effects this visit.

    Best wishes - Brian.

  • Thanks Brian, continuing good news for you though as it's still down on last time? 

    Mine will no doubt be getting hit much harder with the 3 treatments now in full swing so it will be interesting to see how PSA performs once chemo's done and wears off.

    I'm still optimistic - and pretty resilient fortunately - plenty of practice in the past 10 years!

    All the best,
