Side Effects Between Cycles 3 and 4

1 minute read time.

Cycle 4 being done today (04/09/24).

No significant changes in side effects experienced during cycle 3 - maybe partly contributed to by having experienced them already and knowing what to expect?

Notable observations are:

FATIGUE - no worse in severity or duration. I just tried not to overdue things for a few days (difficult as I need to be always on the go and - although not being an athlete - I hate being inactive). 

MOUTH - became sore again but was supplied with mouthwashes in advance so started using these before the worst symptoms appeared which had it cleared in 6 days. Will ask for same suppiles again today.

HANDS - a little worse than last time, all 5 tips on both hands became quite sore from day 6 but had improved significantly (though not completely) by day 21. All finger nails have red semi circular markings on them and the discomfort is apparently because of nails changes, not nerve damage. My consultant reassured me again that this problem should disappear completely after completion of all chemo treatment, hopefully he's right as usual.

WEIGHT - exactly the same on day 21 as on day 1. I'm pleased because exercise activity has declined during chemo due to feeling generally more tired. I've maintained a very healthy diet but have also weakened passing the pub on one or two (?) occasions when I've been feeling a little sorry for myself (that's my excuse anyway).

Eyes - became watery again on day 14 and are still on day 21. Will mention at today's visit.

HAIR - very thin but there's still some left and, if anything, it seems to be growing a (very) little on top - not my imagination as my OH mentioned it a couple of days ago. Definitely need a hat on these chillier mornings / evenings and dull / breezy days.

OVERALL - cycle 3 has felt marginally better than 1 and 2 for which I am grateful, although on 2 or 3 random days I've had quite a low mood for no apparent reason. Let's see what cycle 4 brings.
