Second Chemo

Less than one minute read time.

Second chemo visit 24th July 2024.

First the good news. Pre-treatment blood test shows improvement in PSA from 1.22 (on 01/07/24) to 0.54 (on 22/07/24). Definitely going in the right direction.

Started Dexamethosone steroids day before, to take for 3 days as before.

Given anti-sickness tablet at start and told to take further one that evening. Unlike last time, no need to take for a further 2 days unless I do feel sick.

ECG carried out prior to treatment delivery as part of monitoring process before starting Darolutamide - the third element of my triple therapy.

Darolutamide taken morning after (25/07) - 2 tablets morning and evening after food.

Better start this time as cannula inserted on first attempt - it took 3 attempts last time. I suggested they warm my arm up first as it brings the veins up (learnt this when I had chemo for lung cancer 10 years ago when they always put hands in a bowl of warm water to prepare). They now use an elecritcally heated blower with a plastic bag arm sleeve! 

Hoping for a relatively low profile passage through this cycle. 

  • Sorry to hear that they struggle with your cannulas, this must be hard and frustrating for you. I have very prominent veins and have only had one occasion when the nurse had difficulty, for some unknown reason they did not choose one of the huge blue ropes!

  • Thanks, I'm used to it now, had the same experience several years ago on a separate chemo treatment. It's just a little intimidating at the start of each visit.

    I do wish Im had prominent veins, but it's not to be.