
1 minute read time.


Had chemo pre-assessment yesterday and all was OK, came away with supply of dexamethasone to start taking the morning of first treatment tomorrow (3/7/24). Based on previous experience I'll probably be unable to sleep much for a couple of days. If so I intend to sit up all night on 4/7 to watch the general election results as they start to be declared. I have a slight advantage having had chemo 10 years ago for my lung problem so the prospect is less daunting than it was the first time.

Took the last of a 4 week course of bicalutamide this morning, having also had the first prostap 12 week implant on 21/6. Very few side effects so far, most noticeable at the moment is gradual loss of libido (but we're overcoming that so far so no complaints yet) and have put on 4lbs. I was pretty active to start with but have commenced extra exercises on a cycle machine plus routines on weights and resistance bands to try and maintain my current weight. No doubt the chemo will cause some weight loss over the next 18 weeks of treatment which will be useful for me at this stage.

Nevertheless I'm still a little nervous and have had a few second thoughts over my decision to have the triple treatment but am pressing on regardless.

  • Hello  

    You will be fine - I know you have doubts but - hit it hard - hit it fast. You have a positive state of mind and I am sure with all your preparation, mentally you are good to go here.

    I think your blog will be not only useful for yourself in recording this journey but it will also help others who tread this path in the future (I have a personal interest as you know!!).

    I think I have had almost every side effect of Hormone Therapy and would call them an inconvenience rather than a problem.

    Good luck with everything - we are all with you here.

    Best wishes - Brian.

  • Thank you Brian for your encouragement, it makes perfect sense of course.

    I'll be fine once the first treatment is complete, watch out for the next thrilling episode!
