Day 2 After First Chemo

1 minute read time.

First things first. I obtained a print of my pre-chemo assessment blood test results. My referral PSA from January 24 was 2.07, having risen from 0.57 in January two years previously. I don't know what it was immediately before current treatment started. My result at the pre-assessment test on 1st July was 1.22 after starting Bicalutamide on 5/6/24 and Prostap on 21/6/24. From what I've read about Docetaxel it's likely that PSA will rise after the 2nd treatment but then start going down again.

Two days later I have now finished steroid and anti-sickness tablets for this cycle but am very pleased that I have had no adverse effects at all yet, other than only being able to sleep for a couple of hours overnight, presumably because of the steroids. Still early days so not complaining at all. Only problem was it took 3 attempts to get the cannula into the back of my hand which is now well bruised - this also happened 10 years ago when I had chemo for my lung cancer so it was expected.

I was sent home with 7 syringes tof Zarzio Figrastim to inject myself daily for a week from today to boost my immune system mid-cycle. Really looking forward to stabbing myself in the stomach later this evening, I can't wait! 

Further updates follow if anything occurs, but hopefully not needed until after 2nd cycle due on 24/7/24. 

  • All going well then! I am needle phobic so if you are sticking any type of needle in my body, cannula included - it's look away now!

    Great news, it's going well - let's hope for positive results. 

    Best wishes - Brian.