5th Chemo

1 minute read time.

My 5rd chemo visit on 25th September 2024:

First, more good news - PSA has now dropped from:

2.07 at referral for investigation of recurrence

1.22 (1/7/24)

0.54 (22/7/24)

0.19 (14/8/24)

0.08 (04/09/24). 

‹0.05 (25/09/24)

I feel very lucky and grateful to see these sustained improvements to lows I've never experienced before. It certainly makes the treatment effects worth tolerating and provides a huge boost in confidence.

No ECG required before treatment due to previous ones being good. Might need one next time if Consultant decides he wants to see one.

Cannula inserted at 2nd attempt again, first attempt by nurse unsuccessful (felt like a 6 inch nail was going in but I think I put on a brave face and didn't show myself up) - then yet another of the resident "experts" was  called and sucessfully inserted on first attempt. Infusion completed with no issues other than delays due to a very busy unit and my chemo preparation being delivered late. Not to worry, nothing much else to do on a dull, wet afternoon.

Same package of drugs to take home as before including mouthwashes to head off mouth problems if they start as on first three cycles. I have started using these straight away to try to head off problems earlier which worked last cycle, so hoping for a repeat this time around. Unfortunately a shortage of Darolutamide in the pharmacy resulted in only 4 days supply being availale so need to call back to chemo unit in 2 days to collect the remainder of my 3 week supply.

Felt fine morning after, we'll see how it goes in due course, hopefully no worse than cycle 4 which was the worst so far.

  • Thank you Dignahtee,

    The numbers are great, providing me with encouragement to knuckle down and get on with the treatment.

    I do wish my veins were as good as yours, unfortunately they have always been quite poor and it's always a little nerve wracking when they're getting ready to insert the cannula. It's not to be though, so I need to just put up with it.

    All the best,
