The Journey Part 2 after Brachytherapy

3 minute read time.

So you need to read my first part before you read this although if you have had the treatment you know what it is like and so to start part two.

I thought it would be pretty plain sailing had the treatment then a case of recovery but oh no first off passing urine was so painful like having a water infection and a dribble rather than a stream. I was on Tamsulosin once a day to start with and my wife and I took ourselves to France because I could not see the grandchildren for two months. The toilet and I came best friends spent more time in there than anywhere else have a wee five minutes later an urgently like I have never experienced before along with a burning and a feeling of it dribbling out ( note feeling not actually dribbling out ) then needed to go again a few minutes later this often happened all day long. I would stop drinking water at seven o’clock to hopefully get a nights sleep but no chance five times a night the record was seven times for those who want to know. With just a dribble every time this sometimes went everywhere don’t worry ladies did clean up after myself.( before anyone asks I did attempt to urine sitting down but no flow at all).

We were Restricted to where We could go because of my urgency so no Museums,Restaurants etc or too long a journey.
luckily unlike the UK France has many free toilets in nearly every town which was a god send. So We walked as much as possible along the beaches countryside with even a dip in the sea most days talking about some strange subjects including my water works compared to my wives who came out with the classic “well now you know what it is like after childbirth and what it does to our bladders”. Although she did not have to go as often as I did so she conceded. 1-0 to me. 

A phone call with the Radiographer lead to a recommendation to increase the Tamsulosin to two a day one in the morning one in the evening alas no improvement just a trickle and still an urgency to go a short while later.

We returned to the UK and I persevered with taking the Tamsulosin once a day. A phone appointment with my consultant, my PSA was now down to 2.04 a big drop from 4.74 so I asked the question could I drop my Tamsulosin yes was the answer so just over two months in and off the medication.

However two weeks later no improvement still an urgency to go but struggling to actually go. Again I persevered for another week but was finding my stomach/ bladder muscles were fluctuating, phoned the Radiographer explained what was going on she had me come in the next day done a flow test did not even come up as a reading, so she decided that my bladder was over active in other words not even filling up before it was emptying so she prescribed Betmiga which I now take along with the Tamsulosin hopefully all will settle down and I can give them up and everything will go back to normal in the next couple of months.

I at last feel normal I go as regularly as I use to go, stream is almost back to how it use to be and most nights only get up once, rare occasions not at all. I feel like me it is wonderful what simple things can make you feel good about life and yourself and not being so dependent on knowing where the nearest toilets are is one of them. Although I do carry a McMillan card along with my hospital radioactive card if I need to go urgently.

recommend a web site for free public toilets in the UK.

Now just have to deal with ED but that will be another story on this Journey or may be to personal to share, You and I will have to wait and see.
