
1 minute read time.

Hey lovely people. So my Mum found out last Sept she had lung, liver and spleen cancer. No symptoms, random blood test, did an xray as said they just would but no concerns be home from A&E in an hour they said to you have cancer in three organs 3 hours later. World fell apart.

Mum was given some chemo tablet and took 7 and her reaction was she was in hospital for 4 weeks and nearly died (her body really didn't take well to them) after 3 months (stopped tablets after 7 days only) she was back to being very well, on paper very sick but very well in herself.

The headaches started this June, lethargic and nausea, fast forward to today 22.07 and she as multiple lesions/growths in her brain. On steroids 2mg a day has done amazing things! she is coping well minor symptoms etc.

BUT I know this is very serious, timings being described as 'not long' 'no one has a crystal ball' so hard to face but I just wondered if anyone had any experience with a seemingly very well considering person to how long and then rapid the decline can be.

I listened, read and thought but any comments would be amazingly welcome. x 
