What was I thinking...

2 minute read time.

Hi guys...

today I have realised how sorry I have been feeling for myself, there is always someone in a much worse position and sometimes you need a slap in the face to remind you of it!

I have a friend from my Hospice, Wendy, she is in her early 40's, she has terminal Kidney Cancer.  She is a single mum with 5 children aged between 6 - 14.  She was admitted to hospital on Friday as she had fallen and was unwell, she has just been told she has 3 tumours on her brain too.  She will be having radiotherapy to her brain, they are worried the chemo she is on for her KC is not working so well anymore and to top it all she has had to have a chest drain in to alleviate the fluid in her lungs.

Her parents dont live locally and she has only one sister who lives near her.  When she found out she was ill most of her friends fell by the wayside.  Her only social interaction really is Dorothy House on Fridays, we have become great friends, we have a lot in common and I love her to bits.  It breaks my heart that she has so little support from family and friends, I know she gets very lonely.  I would gladly share my family and friends with her, she doesn't deserve to go on this awful journey alone.

I went to visit her in Hospital today, she was so suprised that she had a visitor I wanted to cry and when I gave her a big hug and cuddle she burst into tears and said it was so nice just to be hugged, she has no one to offer her that, a simple hug.  I shall be visiting her everyday until she is home, she is such a beautiful person and I am lucky to count her among my friends, I'm also very lucky that I have great friends and family that, despite my best efforts, wont allow me to push them away.

So instead of whining I need to wake up and smell the coffee, what Wendy wouldnt give for what I seemingly took for granted!  So thank you my friends on here for your continued love and support and please know that I am here for each and every one of you and please, if you have a spare prayer, please use it for my friend Wendy.

Love and Peace

Indie xx

  • FormerMember

    much love to u and Wendy , xxxxx Keep smiling , Geoff xxx

  • FormerMember

    So happy to see the old Indie back again.

    If you ever feel low again, well that's ok,

    you are entitled to have off days, you

    know where to come. Life is odd dont you

    think, it seems your friend needing someone to care about her, thou very

    sad turned out to help you in a way.Some

    one is watching over you Indie.

    I will say a prayer for your friend, that she is given the strength to get thru this

    bad time.

    With Love Lucylee, xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Indie, that made so sad to read of Wendy....would she not join up here so we can all be her friends too??? Just a thought, she might find the chat function helpful too at times.

    I am glad you've snapped out of it, on my original post on your "preparing to leave" thread, I originally typed the last sentence as 'will gladly offer to slap or kick up the backside if needed' but deleted it incase I offended you!

    Hope the treatment went well today.

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    You are a star Indie. You are so, so strong. I so agree with Debs, can we not get Wendy to join our happy and supportive gang, support in numbers and all of that stuff - we are fab, we don't let the so and sos get us down, be they human or otherwise!?

    Take care, Lynne xxx

  • FormerMember

    Aw Indi

    My heart goes out to your friend Wendy, It realy does make me appreicaite what I have with my family and friends.  My heart broke when I read about her being surprised to get a visitor it nearly made me cry too.  She does not know how lucky she is to have a friend like you, actually on second thoughts i bet she does. give her a hug from me too, my heart aches for her, welcome back Indi I missed ya!!!!!

    Jo Mac