What if you know what this year is going to bring?

3 minute read time.

So, it is 2010, the start of a new year, it should bring hope, health and happiness and a time to start over, at least that is what we all wish for each other.  How does it feel though when you know what is in store for you, when you are living with a Terminal condition which you know has progressed to the final stages?  When you know, without out a doubt, that you are on the last leg of your journey.  How do you face that?

How do you get past the fact that you have just celebrated what is most likely your last Christmas and New Year.  You have put your decorations up for the last time.  Watched your kids excited faces for the last time as they open their gifts.  It feels like a world of “lasts” I don’t like it.  I’m not writing this for sympathy, lord knows I get plenty.  I’m just trying to explain how it feels, living on that constant knife edge, how you can be ecstatically happy and yet exceptionally sad at the same time.  It is a truly bizarre feeling.

Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m extremely lucky,  I will have survived exactly 6 years on the 17th March.  Considering the aggressive nature of my cancer and where it has now spread (Breast, Bones, Liver and Brain) I think I have done tremendously well, it doesn’t mean I don’t want to be that miracle person though that survives against all odds.  I am however a realist, I know what awaits me, surviving for so long you see those less fortunate pass through the final phase of life.  I pray a good death awaits me.

I don’t know where all this has come from I just know I need to verbalise it in some way.  I guess it is the culmination of all my fears rising to the surface.  I’m sure nothing I am saying is new, most of us patients have these thoughts and feelings on a regular basis.   I guess I like to think a problem shared is a problem halved, surely the same can be said of fears and I have so many of them.  I fear mostly for what the future holds for my family, I fear my passing may damage my girls forever, I pray that wont be the case.  I fear for my husband, he is a very quiet person and I am his best friend, his soulmate, how will he bear the loneliness?  I fear the progression of my illness until death, will I lose my faculties, my motor skills, my mind??  I have no answers or resolutions for these fears, they simply are...

So what now?  I just say thank you, every time my eyes open each morning.  I pray each night for one more day.  I soak up every ounce of joy my girls bring.  I cherish the time spent with my Husband.  I take a deep breath and smile because as yet there is no pain.  I’m blessed and while I am so blessed, I shall try to keep the dark thoughts at bay and simply live!

I wish all of you continued health and happiness this forthcoming year.

Love and Peace

Indie xx

  • FormerMember

    hi indie

    just thought i would say hi and hope that your spirits will soon be lighter and that you can continue to enjoy your time with your family and friends - take care babe - this is a sad time but as you say you are still able to take part in what life is offering you at the moment so go ahead girl and enjoy your life and your family - take care babe - karen - xoxo

  • FormerMember

    Dear Indie, I read your latest blog and thought 'I don't know what to say to help make you feel better'.  Words are so futile at this time for you, but I am thinking about you and I sincerely hope you have many, many, many more days waking up to the world, seeing the sun, rain, feeling the cold, seeing the stars at night and, most of all, cherishing your loved ones who must be dreading each day, wondering when/if.......  I too have  breast ca. and couldn't have the FEC treatment as it nearly finished me off after one dose due to infection.  I did have left mastectomy and left lymphnode removal 5/12 grade 3 so, sometimes I wonder if anything is lurking within, slowly killing me.  If, maybe, wonder, fear, hope, all kinds of feelings.  I have found the best one of all though is .uck it!  I am going to drain each day and get as much as poss from it.  How lucky I am to know how much I really love my old boy and daughter who is 19 now (at Uni.).  Some of us go through life taking things for granted - not me, Mrs. Cancer!  In a way I feel I have been given a gift - how to really be thankful for life itself, not money, possessions but love.  I wish you all you wish for yourself and want to give you extra strength in your battles.   I feel I have spoken to you before.  Are you on any meds., did you feel anything when your ca. had come back?  Are you trying to keep as fit as possible - my Chinese friend says eating well, keeping well and letting others take over the silly tasks definitely does help - her relative is a Doctor who endorses what she says.  I must admit though, a little wine and music sometimes lifts the old mood.  Anyway, please keep writing on here, even if its just to get it off your mind and I hope this year brings you and your family peace.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Indie,

    It's a balancing act isn't it? Death and it's effects on one side and Life and it's joy on the other. I hope that this year adds more lovely memories onto the Life side of your scales.

    Being in a similar situation I feel quite in awe of you and will (if you don't mind) re-read this blog post on any doomy gloomy days that creep in and threaten to tilt my own scales!

    Keep on smiling and living life to the full wherever possible.

    Bad Fairy xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Indie,

    What a beautiful, eloquent blog with words written from the heart.  

    Whatever happens Indie, your girls will have gained immense strength from your illness.  I know none of us want to be ill and we all would like our children to lead a worry free existence but I feel our personal trials and tribulations make our children into stronger and more caring individuals.

    Enjoy as much time as you can with your husband and children and I wish you and your family a contented new year.

    Love and hugs


  • FormerMember

    Hi Indie  what a lovely blog , and do you know , your saying almost every word Ive been saying to myself for a while now.

    Ive had the ptprivelege of shating with you for about 2 years now   and  ive known you as a true friend . I hope you will keep me in mind throughout this year , as we both prepare for the worstplease believe me when I say I am here for you and  offer my full support  as I know I have yours.  I can only wish you what you wish for yourself  and who knows maybe we will see 2011.

    Take care my lovely friend and sincere wishes to your family.
