still catching up

1 minute read time.

well had cancer check up on the 14th sept , new oncologist has  is being  very kind and helpfull.  But as i said i think i ahve coped well enough with this as i have been contrating on my oa and rh  ,both which make me tired and ache and have on the 17th had my second hip replacement  and am getting out of that  with all the complications the chemo and blood clots caused . I then have another check up with the surgeon in November , Blimety seem to spend my life at hospitals for one thing or the other . But was taking to a nurse while in hos and she feels that maybe taken the cancer too well, but thinks it because i know how to cope with arthritis as had it for so many years , but now after op and after the last couple of years of one thing after the other i am trying to e positive that it being sods law my cancer may come back,  but i will cross that bridge if and when i come to it . As then surgery will be only option and surgery for me will be life threatening  due to my PE s  but feel safer knowing they managed twice now with those probs, . but iam going to enjoy my life now for me and my family and that starts with a cruise in November ( as can not fly ) even planning next year too. .

I got this rare cancer as result of low imune sysyem due meds for my arthritis  but with my healtth issues i do not expect to have a new relationship as my confidence is rock bottom (oops sorry for pun )  in that dept. and friends wander off after  one illness  continual ilness all differant  well not  many friends so do get lonley .sad  and sometimes just want a hug . But i do what a lot of us do for family partiulaly is put on a smile a giggle and joke  . ecause if i know that they are not stressing then  i can relax .

