Post chemo and lumpectomy ...

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Hi all I have completed 7 sessions of chemo (4 x EC, 3 x Docetaxel) and have just had a lumpectomy with follow up appointment next Thursday. I am having Herceptin injections every 3 weeks and have just started Letrozole tablets which I will be on for 5 years. After loads of anxiety following the original diagnosis, once I had a grip on things I have been really positive but it just takes one negative comment or careless remark from someone to change my mood and set me back. Does anyone else feel like this? I am realistic and know once cancer has come into your life it changes things - I already feel like a different person and look at life differently. Just need to be able to kick any negativity and those who bring it out!

It's great to know I am not alone in this - no one truly knows how it feels unless they have been through or are going through it. Keep going all you lovely ladies, together we are strong!
