Secondary Tumour (Brain)

1 minute read time.

After a trial of 9 weeks in hospital last year John was doing very well, he strated to gain weight and was able to go back to work in January 2011.  After 10 days at work he started with very bad headaches and unable to keep even water down.  After 3 weeks and told by our GP that nothing sinister as they called it was going on I asked for him to be admitted to hospital to first get some food and water down him ah then to find out what was causing the headaches this was on the 10th of Feb,  On 14th Feb he had a full scan including head and they told us they had found a mass on the brain and that a MIR scan was to be done and hatever was found no operations.  16th Feb John had the scan and the following day we got told that he had two larges masses and that he could come home.

We heard nothing for 2 weeks then out of ythe blue we got a call from the surgons PA asking John to go to the hospital, we thought at last some information for us but she oh no it was for an operation.

Well the op took place on 8th March and he was home on the 10th  he is now doing very well, gaining weight and walking two or three miles a day.  We saw the oncologist today who is now talking of some radiotherapy and followup ct scans every 3 months.

Would like to chat to anyone who has or is going through what we are now.  I have days when I am very low and just ask what the furure has in store for us, not sure that I could take aanymore blows like the one we have just had.

Thanks for reading, just writing this note has helped me tonight.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Poppet, so sorry you are going through this right now. I don't have any experience of brain tumours, but I have had cancer myself and lost my dad to it a year ago, so have been on both sides of the fence.

    I hope you find someone on site you can share experiences with.

    Wishing you and your husband all the very best for the future.

    Christine xx