new way of walkin

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has just started one hell of a journey, im scared stiff, but tryin to stay positive. its gonna be a bumpy road, but im gonna do my best to stand up and take whatever it throws at me. I have had some great support from my friends but i now feel i gotta take it from here, it is my fight not theirs and i cant take them with me. I gotta walk alone on this part, its gonna be tough goin an i dont know if i will do it but at least i tried. 

well i hopefully undergo Radio tomorrow if all is well, fingers crossed an all that jazz. will let ya know how i got on eh. wish me luck .....

should find out if i can go on me holiday too, cant see it myself.... but no harm in hopin


  • FormerMember

    Hope the radio goes well poo...thinking of you and praying for you.

    Here whenever you need me.

  • FormerMember

    well ere i go guys , an let me tell ya i went passed scared about 4 hours ago. already got one fit under me belt today so it aint gettin off to a good start. oh well thats life i suppose. it feels a bit weird knowin ya on ya own but i guess i will get used to it.

    so ok , we got possible treatment today, aint lookin forward to it when i had support now im really scared  to the point i was thinkin of not goin..... not a very good start of doin this alone      but i gotta go i guess. ok.... best foot forward an all that .......

  • FormerMember

    cheers jad xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Poot, remember your not alone hun, i know you gotta walk the road alone but we are all there with you even it its not in person but we are spiritually.

    Good luck with the treatment, thinking of you

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    (((((((((((((((Pootle)))))))))))) were all behind you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx