Anybody online 10.30pm Tues.9th Feb?

Less than one minute read time.

Hi Everybody,

A little 'background'.

My friend, Bernie Quayle, is a presenter on our local radio station,  (though listeners are worldwide via the Net). His programme is aired from 10pm - 1am Mon-Fri.

I have asked Bernie to play a request for all of you at 10.30pm on Tues. 9th Feb. (just click on the 'listen now')

Bernie was diagnosed with Brain Cancer in July,'09 and underwent chemo, surgery and radio and so is well aware of this dreadful disease. His treatment was successful and we are now sooo happy to have him back behind the 'mic' You can also see him if you click on the Webcam on the left of the page, and just click each one until you find Studio A. (too difficult for me to direct you to- durr)

Hoping that some of you can listen.

With love and courage,

Tricia. X
