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I went to my local breast clinic with a lump in my breast about 6 weeks ago. Since then I have has 2 biopsies, then diagnosis, then sentinel lymph node removal (which fortunately was clear), then 2 days later was in hospital and had mastectomy and reconstruction. I am now at home (had dressings removed yesterday) and feel like it has all happened to someone else! Just can not get my head round the fact that all this has happened in such a short time, and that it is because I have cancer! Anyone else ever feel this way?

  • FormerMember

    Life was completely surreal for me when I had my initial diagnosis and everything seemed to flash past without any real acknowledgment of what was going on.  All I can say is just be very happy that your treatment was done quickly and that you did not have to wait for appropriate action when it was needed.  Hope all goes well for you from here on, kindest regards, Heather x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pixie,

    I can assure you Pixie if you where to ask the people on this site. if they all had their Cancer

    Treated in such a short time the answer you would get would be a resounding no. Thats because we done nothing about it until it was too late or incompentence on be half of the Medical profession.

    But I can only answer for myself. But Im one of the lucky ones and Iam still in remission. For now.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Thanks all for your replies. I realise just how lucky I am to have been treated so quickly, and the medical teams I have been seen by have all been wonderful, I am very lucky. I have to see the oncologist in approx 6 weeks to find out if I need any further treatment, but I will worry about that when it happens. Until then I will thank god that this has been caught in time, and rejoice in the fact that I have actually managed to have a shower and wash my hair this morning for the first time...all on my own lol xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pixie

    I think we all feel like that in the initial stages but how lucky to have everything happen so quickly although it does all feel as if its happening to someone else. I myself was around 8 weeks from initial symptoms (no lump) to diagnosis then just a further week to mastectomy but under care of breast team within 2 weeks. I too have been lucky enough to get early diagnosis and superb care.

    Hoping you need no further treatment but if you should you're in the right hands and I wish you well with it.

    How great is that feeling of doing something for yourself again!

    Take care and be kind to yourself


  • FormerMember

    Hi Pixie, I felt as if I was on the outside looking in when I was diagnosed with breast cancer and facing treatment. I thought I was alone in feeling like that when I met a friend who's brother had been diagnosed previously with testicular cancer and she said, "I bet you feel as if this is happening to someone else?" I then realised I wasn't alone.

    I hope all goes well for you in the future.

    Best wishes, Christine xx