Benign pituitary tumour

1 minute read time.
  1. Hi, I was diagnosed approximately 12 Weeke ago with a pituitary tumour measuring 5 x5 cm.
  2. My journey to diagnosis was not straightforward, but started with left breast pain and fibrous tissue growth.Gradually symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and cognitive defecits commenced and have become much worse as time has progressed.The tumour is pressing on the optic nerve in my right eye and I have peripheral vision deficits and consequently have had to revoke my licence to DVLA.
  3. My consultant Endrocronologist is coordinating my treatment and I was commenced on hydrocortisone medication and thyroxine. They have had to be increased recently.My condition has been discussed with the MDT Neurosurgery team,and I have an appointment to meet with them and discuss treatment next week.I have already been informed by my Endrocronologist that I will require surgery.My most recent MRI scan has revealed that not only is the tumour pressing on my optic nerve,but has attached.This of course is extremely concerning. 
  4. I have never felt so unwell, and miserable, and despite being given a relatively positive prognosis post surgery,I currently fail to comprehend that I will return to "normal".I so desperately wish to experience a quality of life again,and feel well.I so much want to return to work,to drive and fly again.
  5. Despite having a loving and supportive family, I feel very alone,and have increased anxiety about the possible reality of not achieving these things again.
  6. I am an NHS mental health nurse,but have been astounded and frustrated by the excessive NHS waiting times for diagnostic tests and appointments.
  7. I have so many unanswered questions re my treatment and future health,and feel bitterly failed by the NHS.I don't blame the medics or other health professionals, they are doing their upmost,but the excessive waiting times only sustain uncertainty and anxiety. 
  8. I would very much welcome any communication or information from anyone who has experienced what I'm currently going through