NHS Crisis

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Hi everyone,  after reading lots of members posts for various types of cancers and also those who have lost their spouses, I felt angered that I hd to let off steam.  So please bear with me. 

My husband was told and treated for a hiatus hernia, turned out he had stage 4 oesophageal cancer.  It seems he has not been the only one to be mis diagnosed either.  My rant is WHEN is the government going to address the need for more investment in the NHS so that people are seen and treated quickly, instead of wasting tax payers money on unnecessary things.  

So sorry if this post upsets anyone this was not my intention as any serious illness is and can be life changing.  I have read so many sad posts and wish all members hope for the future. 

I guess at some stage I might post on the forum for the bereaved.  The advice shared on these sites are extremely valuable and helpful.  I just wish that someone somewhere could do 

something about this terrible situation and that everyone got the care they deserved.  Kind thoughts and hugs to all  xx Sue

  • So sorry this is happening to you....and to others. 

    My daughter lives in Berlin. She sustained a Colles fracture this week and was in the operating theatre to have it plated within 18 hours. 

    The NHS needs building up from scratch but nobody is brave enough to dismantle it and start again. To me the German system has much to admire. 

    You're right. It needs to be fixed. Even children and Cancer patients are being g left behind