When i wake up, it IS real!

Less than one minute read time.

Last night I had a dream that you had really left me Dad, 
In this dream I begged you to please not ever forget me
I’ll tell you how it began, so this is how it starts
You sat on my bed with tears in your eyes and your hand over my heart
You asked me what I was thinking about, at the same time I asked why you were crying
You looked at me and said The doctor says I’m dying
I asked you what you meant and how this could really be
how cold anyone take you away from me
I said NO, this isn’t real, 
Please, I’m sorry for anything i might have done
Tears rolled from my eyes and landed on your hands
You said Sweetheart, Please, just try to understand
That no matter where I am, on earth or up above you
I’m here for you forever and I’ll always love you
I asked you how long you had left to live,

they had said possibly a year,but there is no way to know,

7 months later I cried and cried as i held you hand and watched you go!!!

  • FormerMember

    At nite I don't dream

    but in my day I relive

    how many times did u say

    I'm dying and I would say its not going to be

    again that nite u opened your eyes and said

    I'm dying only in a different way

    how was I to know that u were right

    I did not want to believe that truly it would be

    Could not believe how much u wanted to live and how poorly u must have been since u fought so hard for your kids and for our love

    I promised i'd be with u till the end just how it should have been u and me holding each other and then it was just me u had left and how I hope that day was never to be

    2 months on life carries on no illness could be worse than the emptiness I feel

    Love you more than words can say please stay with me for every day I keep you inside me and no illness can take that from me

    To my wonderful husband Ernest and father to our 3 beautiful children no one will ever know what it meant to lose you.  Loving u always xxxxx