Was this a dream?

2 minute read time.

So it is 10 months today since Dad left us.I can't believe it has been that long since i last spoke to him. 

Last night i had a dream, it was a lovely dream for the most of it. I was in a field full of poppys a beautiful red field and in this field were lots of horses. My Dad was there with me and it was normal as if he hadn't been gone for 10 months. Dad and i rode the horses. I got off mine to have a sit down and at that point Dad rode away on his horse right into the distance and as i shouted after him he turned and waved and then disappeared. I was then alone in the field and couldn't find my way back. And then i woke up crying.


So i strange dream but in a way a nice one because Dad was there in top form like before he was ill.


This morning i was thinking about it and remembered the song we had played at his funeral in July "Now we are free" from the film Gladiator sung in a combination of latin and hebrew. At the funeral we read out the translation of the songs words which now mean so much.



Almighty Freedom
Almighty freer of the soul
Be free
Walk with me
Through the golden fields
So lovely
We regret our sins, but..
We sew our own fate and
Under my face I remain feeble
Under my face, I smile.
Even alone (or afraid)
Under my face I will be waiting
Run with me now soldier of Rome
Run and play in the field with the ponies.
Run with me now soldier of Rome
Run and play in the field with the ponies.
Run with me now soldier of Rome
Run and play in the field with the ponies.
Run with me now soldier of Rome
Run and play in the field with the ponies.
Almighty Freedom 
Almighty freer of the soul
Be free
Be free
And imagine
Free with peace at last
It's lovely
It's lovely, this land
No one can believe or understand
How far I came just for my lovely family
I should have been there
With them when the world crashed down
But now they rest with me.
I'll never forget
How I felt that moment
I became free... 


What do you think? Was this just a normal dream? Could it be Dads way of saying he is ok?

Who knows? I don't, I can wish, that helps.


Sorry for the really long post, if you made it this far then you really are a true friend lol.


Love and hugs to you all. 

Vicki. xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki,

    What a Beautiful Dream, Im not suprised you woke up crying. as for the Song  again something very special.

    As you say could it be Your Dads way of saying hes O/K.

    Why not,anything is possible. You look after yourself .

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi vicki i am a true believer in life after death and right now im reading a book by sally morgan a medium who is so lovely and i watch her programmes all the time i truly believe that your dad has returned to let you kniow he is fine he is always with you and around you thing is when you so need him he will be there so take some comfort from your dream girl light a white candle when you are alone every night for dad and just have a chat about everything the candle will draw him close to you and you will feel much better i do for my dad and its so comforting just when i need that little chat love and hugs jen xxxx

  • Its a lovely dream Vicki...lovely

    As Sarsfield says why not indeed.

    Take Care


  • FormerMember

    Keep hold of the thoughts, and take comfort from them.  Your dad is watching over you...... definately a dream to remember especially when you are feeling down.

    Love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    hi i do believe it was your dad saying he is ok.I have dreams where my mom and dad are in them but it is for just a second as i always wake up shaking but after feel very comforted,

    It is just over 7 months for my dad and it dosnt seem any better but at the moment we are doing his house up for selling and i have alot of memories there (over 50 years) some days i feel it will be better when the house is sold other days i feel i will lose all the memories when i will not have to go there (daft isnt it)

    take care
