Tears from nowhere!

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I don't know what's happening to me today, i feel sad, empty and kind of lost. I have taken myself up to my bedroom for 3 hours this afternoon because i could feel all these strange emotions bubbling to the surface (and to read 'breaking dawn')

I wish there was a way to control how i feel and when i feel it. 

It is my brothers birthday on tuesday and he wants us to go for a meal. This will be the first of our birthday without dad here. If it was today i wouldn't be going... hopefully tuesday i will feel stronger and more in control.

I can look at a picture of dad now and smile and remember good things so surely that is a good sign that i am dealing with things............. so why the feelings of despair that i feel today. I couldn't talk to mom earlier she sounded so upbeat, i didn't want to bring her down but she knew i wasn't right. 

Hope you are all doing ok,

I don't expect replies guys i just needed to get those thoughts out. 

Tc all xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Some times Vicki, even after 38 years, which is when I lost my dad, a memory may just pop up and I can feel the tears building up, it is still so early for you and grief has to be aloud to be let out, that is normal my love. Keep your memories close to your heart because that is where your dad is and will always be...love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki - I'm with the wise bird Carol. It's OK to be feeling as you do, and please don't try to bottle it up (like I did) or you'll end up feeling worse. Take it gently, especially when you're having a not-so-good day. Love Val X