Race for life tomorrow,my amazing Dad's funeral on monday

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How on earth do i get through the next 2 days we have been so busy in the week since dad went to sleep but i really don't want monday to arrive, i know i am going to be a mess. Worst of all i have got to get through 'Race for life' tomorrow. I say 'got to' because i promised my dad i would and he wanted me to. I dont think my legs will work. 

  • FormerMember

    dear vicki

    you can do the race vicki, you can because its for your dad. he will be willing you on i'm sure. he will be so proud of you, as he is already.x

    re the funeral - i'm sorry lovey, i cant advise as i didnt attend my dad's funeral. i just could not, i was distraught and just couldnt do it. so i think you are strong to be going, i hope that you all cope with it as best as you can. i hope the sun shines for your dad that day. god bless. xxx

    with my love and sympathy, from C xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki.  Your dad will be with you every step of the way tomorrow when you do the race for life so don't worry you'll do it!  What a fitting tribute to your wonderful dad.  

    As for the funeral, what can I say?  My dad died 26 years ago and I was devastated; like you a daddys girl!  I was heart broken during the funeral but coped better than I thought I would, even thanking everyone for coming as they left the crematorium as mum was just in no fit state to do it.  I was 23 and thought my world had ended.  The funeral will be tough Vicki but you will cope.  And you know what?  There's not a day goes by that I don't feel my dad is with me, looking out for me and mum.  Your dad will always be with you in your heart, nothing can take that away from you.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.  Take care of yourself.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Vicki, it doesn't matter if you cry, scream, yell, as long as you do what your dad wants you to do.  I am sure by the end of the race you will stand tall, strong and proud of your dad - he will be looking down on you all the way.  Your tears are your strength, don't try to hide them.  God bless, I hope to read about your race tomorrow night Ann xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki.  By now you'll have done your race for life, so well done!  I just want you to know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow.  God Bless.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much. Race went very well....emotional but lovely at the same time.

    I can't bear to think about tomorrow.... i don't think i'll get any sleep tonight, i might just not go to bed just so tomorrow will take longer to come . I have never dreaded anything more in my life....i don't want to say goodbye, up until now it hasn't felt real tomorrow i know it will, it's so final.