New Chemo, any ideas of side effects?

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Hi guys and gals, Dad is being started (hopefully) on thursday with his nesw chemo cyle. Out of the last cycle he only had the 1st dose as he had a severe reaction to the cisplatin. On thurs he is supposed to be starting the new stuff which is ETOPISED AND CARBOPLATIN. I say supposed to because he is still in hospital on a drip to rehydrate him. Can anyone give me some idea of what this new stuff may have in store for him. He has had such a bad experience with the cisplatin last time he is contemplating not having it atall and he has an appt with the specialist tomorrow to discuss this. Lots of love and best wishes to you all. xx
  • FormerMember

    Hi there, my partner has lung cancer & he has had chemotherapy & radiotherapy. His chemo treatment was slightly different, he had 4 cycles of Gemcitabine & Carboplatin. He did have some side effects with the Carboplatin the worst 2 being it affected his blood count & had to have two blood transfusions & he totally lost his appetite. He managed to cope with all of this quite well, he took liquid food supplements drinks to stop losing too much weight & the blood transfusions really helped him get through this difficult time. All in all it wasn't so bad. I hope this has helped & that your Dad manages to cope as well as my partner did. If I can give you any further help or advice please feel free to private message me.

    Stay strong & positive is my motto.

    Love Val. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Val, Thankyou for your response. I am so worried that dad will have reactions like this as he has spent so much time in hospital since his first treatment and he hates it. What effect has the chemo had on your partner so far? has it shrunk his tumors atall? has he lost his hair etc? Thankyou for taking the time. xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi there my partner starts chemo next monday he is having MCX we havent a clue what the side effects will be, just hoping he will be ok cos he had heart attack last year so docs are a bait concerned how he will react to chemo

  • FormerMember

    Hello again, we were told after the chemo that the tumour had shrunk significantly enough to begin radiotherapy. Needless to say we were over the moon as it was not what we were expecting. Keith has since had his radiotherapy which didn't seem quite to have as many side effects as the chemo. He has an appointment for a scan tomorrow but doesn't go back to see the oncologist until 25/03. It is going to be a long wait! Keith is feeling a lot better than he did 6 months ago apart from the cough that has worsened again which really worries me. I don't know what your Dad's oncologist is like  but we have a struggle to get any straight answers from ours. Keith didn't lose his hair with the chemo its strange some people do & some don't.

    I hope your Dad is well enough to start his chemo on thursday I will be thinking of you both.

    Let me know how he gets on. Love  

  • FormerMember

    hi Dads oncologist came to see him at his hospital bed today and he has decided that he is going to start dads chemo tomorrow. fingers crossed huh!!