Nearly lost it.

Less than one minute read time.

Kids have been driving me mad today so i just popped into town with them as we had some pressies to buy! 

We were in the card shop and all i heard was the music 'now we are free' from the gladiator film. This is the song we had played at dads funeral at the crem when the curtains came around his casket.Broken Heart It is the first time i have heard it since.Crying My eldest daughter said i just stood there with tears rolling down for a few minutes until i came round again. My kids could have run anywhere and in those few mins i'm not sure that i would have known, thankfully they didn't and the 2 little ones stayed close muddling up the cards Confused I don't know what happened. I quickly left the shop and we came i feel silly and annoyed as i still need to get birthday cards now Hmm

  • FormerMember

    Dear Vicki

    I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face, I feel for you so much. Just done the same over the film Mama mia which was on t.v, mum and I love it and it made me cry to imagine watching it when she is gone.

    Oh Vicki, this is so hard hun, there is no right or wrong way to deal with grief and it is still very early days for you. You are allowed a moment to be sad, to remember, to grieve. Your dad will be with you every day, and the tears will lessen with time , hopefuly to be replaced by smiles as the good memories find a way through.  Thinking of you (((hugs)))xxx


    ps get hubby to grab  the cards for you!!!

  • FormerMember

    oh vicki, its happened to me too, what can i say except to send you lots of love and hugs ,always here jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    hope you are ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    That has happened to me a few times recently too Vicki, thankfully it has usually been in the car. I guess there will always be times like that, but don't worry about it too much.

    It's a strange thing too, the song you mention I hadn't really heard much of and you posted it on this site one time and I have heard it a few times since and thought of you.

    All the best hun, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Morning Vicki, don't be too hard on yourself, whathappened was so normal.  I find it so sweet that your children are so in tune with you that they stayed by your side, they wanted to comfort you and protect you - kids are so strong.  Time doesn't heal it just helps us to deal with things better and focus on the fact we are now the important ones as we, too are a parent.  Life truly is bittersweet and I promise you one day you will remember dad with fondness, love and laughter and be proud to have had such a great dad.  Try and do something with your children today that has fun in it and, if you cry,, let them give you a hug, then move on.  God bless, Ann