My Babies are Amazing!!

1 minute read time.

Hi Guys,

Last night i had to go and help out my best friend with some paper work, when i came back the kids were still up and my hubby said the Cerys my youngest who is 4 wanted to talk to me, so we went and had a sit down and she said  "mommy i miss Grandad, i have dreams and i am playing with him and then i wake up and know he isn't here, i will never ever see him again and that makes me sad." Bless her heart, i told her i have dreams like that too and i wake up hoping it was real but that grandad has gone to the angels where he can watch cerys playing and he can hear her if ever she wants to talk to him, he will always be around her to keep her safe and that he wants her to be happy. She is so grown up for her age and she loved my dad so much, i feel things are affecting her more than the eldest even. Cerys is always asking questions i just don't know if i said the right things or if i even believe them myself.

This morning my sisters best friend got married and my sister was the most beautiful matron of honour i have ever seen. I went along to the church with my mom and my eldest daughter Jenna, it was a lovely service but i couldn't help but think about when my sister gets married my dad won't be around to walk her down the aisle, something which i will treasure in my heart forever, he was so proud on my wedding dad he was ready to burst into song at every minute. 

While the bride and groom were signing the registers the played 'songbirds' and that was it mom and myself were both in tears. It must have been so hard for mom in there, the church where they got married, where we were all christened. 

When we came out of the church Jenna said "mommy why was nanny crying?"

I said that i think she wished grandad was there to see Holly looking so beautiful and she said "he was, he was there in my heart"


Kids huh.......when i can't find the words they always do!  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki

    what a poignant and lovely post. Children see us through the hardest times, and see the world very different from us adults dont they? Us girls are quite adept at talking about our feeling most of the time (sorry guys, but most of you seem to find it a little hard pun intended lol).

    My 3 are being fab just now, although my 13 year old daughter is finding her emotions quite hard to deal with just now (doesnt help that her english teacher is focusing on feelings around death and dying which is hard to deal with in a classroom setting!)

    Anyway, your 3 sound adorable ...cherish them now as time goes sooooooooo fast, seems like no time since mines were that age.

    On a cautious note, my eldest son was 7 when we lost my hubbys dad to bowel cancer, he was actually up at grandads on a visit when he passed away. My son didnt want to talk about it at all, and seemed to be unaffected by it all, then about 2 months later got really anxious and aggitated that something bad was going to happen to one/all of us. I am sure that your son will not be affected like that, but I do feel it was to do with him not being willing/able to express how he felt, so just wanted you to be aware.

    Have a good weekend with your wonderful family, and just thinking about your daughters words will help keep the smile on your facexx

    Love Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki,

    Children are the most beautiful understanding Human beings in this world, and they could teach us so called adults a thing or two. About love and

    caring. What would we do without them.???

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    hi vicki

    my kids also speak all the time about my dad. they were only 3.5 years and19 months when we lost him, and i was 5 months pregnant so my youngest never met him. but like you, i have worked hard to keep dads memory alive for them, and as hard as it was in the early days, it is second nature now. you are dealing with a horrible event and it is really difficult speaking to your lovely kids and answering questions about your precious dad - i know it sometimes feels easier if they dont mention it, but on the other hand, you probably want them to talk about him so he is not forgotten. that will never happen Vicki - i always say my dad is still part of this family, just because he's not physically here that doesnt mean he is not one of the family anymore. we send him ballons frequently, and they all kiss 2 photos of him goodnight every night. on occasion if i have forgotten, i am swiftly reminded "We havent kissed Poppy!" i think what your children said to you is lovely, they really do come out with the sweetest things.

    if i may end on a 'smile' note - my now 5 year old said to me about dad, when i was answering her for about the 200th time that yes he could still see her and was with her and watching all the time - "Wow, so he's like Father Christmas now then Mum!"

    i just smiled and said "Yes darling, just like Father Christmas".

    thank god for the kids eh Vicki.

    love and hugs to you and yours, Claire xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Morning Vicki, what a wonderful family you have - I am glad your daughter is talking, its a really good thing.  Your son will need more keeping an eye on, it sounds as thought he's very sensitive, so whenever he wants a little of your time, just give it and let him do the maneouvering.  With all the love you have around you, I am sure you will all get along just fine one day.  Love to your mum.  Ann x