My 1st Fathers Day without him :(

Less than one minute read time.

I’ve cried a hundred thousand tears
My wish, to go back through the years
I miss you, I'm lost

I hate this truth
I am changed, it’s different
my life without you

I know I must try to move on from the pain
to stop re-living what’s happened again and again
You deserve more than that for the part that you played
The funny, lovely, caring Dad
That so many memories made

There will come a time, although it may be a while
When i can talk about you
Share stories, remember and smile
It’s just that right now it’s the loss in my mind
That’s the trouble you see
For the ones
Left behind....



Happy Fathers Day Dad, I miss you so so much.

In a few weeks it will be a year since we said can it be that long???

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki,

    What a beautiful Poem. Your Dad would be proud of you,

    and on Fathers Day Theres a lot of Love in that Big Heart of yours for your Dad.  May he R.I.P..

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello  Vicki and Happy Fathers Day to your dad up in Heaven - you must do something today and remember him with love - save the sadness for another day.  I am sure Fathers Day was always special to you and him so make it special today in  his memory.  God bless, gone but not forgotten, love Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki,

    Beautiful poem and sentiments. As Ann has said it would be nice to do something to celebrate his life today and to think back over happier fathers Day you shared together.

    We remember how much love and care you lavished on him when he needed it and know he must of been so proud of you, just as you were of him.

    Stay strong, Big Friendly Hugs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Vicki, that is so beautiful and so,so,true. This journey changes us whether we are a carer, patient or loved one. You were a wonderful daughter, all your  posts that I have read over my time on here have shown me that, as have your carefuly worded comments that you have written to help ao many others.

    Your dad can look over you safe in the knowledge that his job was done, and he will always be your dad forever, carried with you every day. Time sometimes seems to gallop,and other times to crawl..yet it does keep on moving, as do wexx

    Thinking of you, sending love and hugs your way,Sharon xx