hello again

1 minute read time.

Hi Guys, 

I would like to apologise for my last post, i selfishly thought that being away  from here for a bit would help me get my head straight but.......................

there is no-one in the world who listens and cares the way that you guys do.

In the 3 days i have not logged on to the site i have been a mess and i thing that it was a big mistake it isn't a break from you guys that i need at all, i actually need to grieve and stop pretending i am fine.

I am ok i am not falling apart at the seams i just wish i knew how to deal with this empty hole i have inside me.

Someone i went to school with is really ill atm and it puts things in perspective, she is 30 years old, a single mother of 4 and her kidneys and liver have failed (some kind of blood infection), her children are being prepared for the worst.

It has made me think that her and so many others are so much worse off than i am and it is time to live my life again.

Thankyou all so much for your lovely messages, i have missed you guys lol, 

but i am back to put my 2pence worth back in. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
