Happy 50th Birthday Dad

1 minute read time.

Today would have been my dads 50th Birthday he went to sleep 18 days ago (sorry i can't help but count the days....it feels like yesterday and years at the same time) So i got up feeling very strange about today not knowing whether to be sad or to celebrate for him. 

I have 3 very young children so we decided to celebrate his special day.

We met Mom, Nan and my bro and sis and we all went to our local park to release balloons from the children with their messages but the letters were too heavy and the balloons wouldn't fly so we had to take the letters off and send  the balloons on their own. It was lovely though and the kids enjoyed sending them up to Grandad.

Then we all went for a meal at one of his favourite eating places this too was nice even though i kept expecting him to pop up saying "ok who's ready for another drink" or to tell me off for not finishing my dinner but still having a desert..lol.

Tonight the children, hubby and i are sending up 3 sky lanterns to Grandad they are supposed to go right up into the sky and end up looking like stars just like Grandad is. Just waiting for it to go dark enough, kids are very excited cause they are normally in bed for 8pm so it is a bit of a treat.

I hope my Dad will be happy with how we have spent his special day....The only thing missing is him. I love you so much it hurts Dad, Happy Birthday to you. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki...I'm so glad you ended up having a nice day, your Dad would be so pleased that it turned out to be a happy day...and so proud of you and his  grandchildren. What a lovely idea of the balloons and lanterns.

    You take care,

    Love and special thoughts,

    Janey x

  • FormerMember

    What a wonderful thing to do , you dad would have been smileing down on you guys. Lovely....love carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki - what a lovely way to celebrate your dad's life, and you now have something very positive to look back on. It must have been hard - for me birthdays are the days when you really want them to be there celebrating with you. Thinking of you and your family, Val X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki,

    I haven't been on for a while, but I'm so sad to read this sad news. I'm glad you managed to celebrate your dad's life.  I know he would be very proud of you.

    Take care hon and if you ever need to talk you know where I am. x

  • FormerMember

    Glad dad's birthday went well and wasn't too sad for you all.

    We are having dad's ashes interred this Saturday with my wee granddaughter who died last year and I think letting off some chinese lanterns would be a lovely idea.

    Best wishes, Christine xx