Happy 50th Birthday Dad

1 minute read time.

Today would have been my dads 50th Birthday he went to sleep 18 days ago (sorry i can't help but count the days....it feels like yesterday and years at the same time) So i got up feeling very strange about today not knowing whether to be sad or to celebrate for him. 

I have 3 very young children so we decided to celebrate his special day.

We met Mom, Nan and my bro and sis and we all went to our local park to release balloons from the children with their messages but the letters were too heavy and the balloons wouldn't fly so we had to take the letters off and send  the balloons on their own. It was lovely though and the kids enjoyed sending them up to Grandad.

Then we all went for a meal at one of his favourite eating places this too was nice even though i kept expecting him to pop up saying "ok who's ready for another drink" or to tell me off for not finishing my dinner but still having a desert..lol.

Tonight the children, hubby and i are sending up 3 sky lanterns to Grandad they are supposed to go right up into the sky and end up looking like stars just like Grandad is. Just waiting for it to go dark enough, kids are very excited cause they are normally in bed for 8pm so it is a bit of a treat.

I hope my Dad will be happy with how we have spent his special day....The only thing missing is him. I love you so much it hurts Dad, Happy Birthday to you. x

  • FormerMember

    What a very special day you have had in honour of your lovely Dad Vicki.  What a great idea, the balloons, that is just so perfect and a lovely family day celebrating your Dad's birthday.

    I expect your tucking the kids in now!

    Take care of yourself and thinking of you.

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki.  It sounds to me as if, yet again, you have done your dad proud.  I saw a sky lantern just a few nights ago and it was beautiful!  I'd never seen one before except on an ad on the TV.  I watched it for ages.  I hope you and the kids had a lovely time sending them up and that they are now safely tucked up in bed.  God Bless.  Caroline Xx

  • FormerMember

    aww ...... i bet your darling dad was watching over you all - he would have been so proud of you all havin a lovely day on his special birthday

    i have seen sky lanterns before - they are magical

    bet the kids were excited

    love n hugs xNx

  • FormerMember

    Hi thanks guys,

    We have just done them they were magical and beautiful and i am so glad we did them....they looked like stars disappearing into the clouds, i am feeling very emotional now. My youngest cerys (4) said i love you grandad and i hope you like your presents sent to heaven. I am so so proud of my kids. It has actually been a nice day.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki,

    You are one very loving caring and understanding

    woman. Your Dad would be very Proud of His Loving Family.If theres such a place as heaven he would be looking down with tears in his eyes.Tears of happiness.May he rest in Peace.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx