a really horrible day

1 minute read time.

Hi, I don't know where i am going with this but i guess i just need to 'type it out'

I have had a really tough day today.

Mum and I met with the lady from the fund-raising fund for the leukaemia  ward that dad was treated on throughout his cancer journey. We raised £1095 for them from donations at dads funeral. It was a fantastic amount and the woman (pauline) was delighted, the money goes straight back into the ward not into the hospital funds.

They also have a charity shop for the ward too so mum and dad ad agreed that all of his clothes etc would go there so that the ward still benefits.

This morning mum and i put dads things into bags ready to take to them, i was instantly upset just by moving his stuff i could smell him. Mum was crying too as we were folding things and i begged her not to do it, it hasn't even been 3 months and i felt that it was too soon for her to make such a huge step. She said if she didn't do it now she never would......i had to put the bags in the car and also had to take them from the car to the shop.

Mum and i got back in the car and just cried. 

I feel like i want to go and buy them all back, i know she didn't  give them everything she has kept lots but it hurts so much.

I feel so sick now this hurts so so much.

  • FormerMember

    hello love, aww my hearts breaking for you,

    I havent told many people this but i still havent been able to get rid of any of ju,s clothes they are all still in our bedroom ,i also still have his dressing gown hanging up ,and his razor in the shower , i personally cant face it , but i know everyones diff ,

    i cant make you feel any better , but im here , and im sending you the biggest hug i have, love jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks hun, his dressing gown is still hanging up, his slippers still at the end of the bed, razor in bathroom, wallett and mobile still in same place and his car keys so everything you see day to day is still in place, so that is something i guess.

    Im sorry i know for you it is so much harder than it is for me but it still feels awful.

    Thanks for the hug it was much needed.

  • FormerMember

    Aw I really feel for you Vicki. All of my dad's things are still in his house and it breaks my heart when I see them lying around.

    I guess this is just another step in the healing process.

    Wishing you all the very best.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pink,

    Its not easy letting go of your Dads personal belongings. But you and your Mum made the right choice. In my opinion. You have to let go sometime.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vicki

    I remember reading your posts when your lovely dad passed away, my mum followed on the 19th august. What a long way you've come.  My dad keeps saying we will have to do something with my mums clothes, but havn't plucked up the courage yet, I can't even take all of her jewelry that she left me yet. sending you my love and to everyone going through the same.

    hugs Jan