Phyllodes anyone else?

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Hi lovely people. I went for a breast biopsy last year as I found a lump and it was diagnosed as a benign fibroadenoma. 10 months later it is growing at a very fast rate and after a 2nd biopsy is classed as a 8cm borderline phyllodes tumour. Had it taken out 2 days ago and getting results on Friday. Not sure how to feel right now but relieved the nasty lump has gone xx

    • Dear Laus
    • I also had a Phyllodes tumour in 2009 which was previously diagnosed as a benign fibroadenoma (had it about 2 years, I think).  It started growing rapidly to approx 7cm and was diagnosed as borderline Phyllodes.   I have had no recurrence of it since and everything  regards that has been fine (altho now have something completely different - not related). Hope your results were fine. Sorry I hadn't seen your post before xx