
2 minute read time.
Hi everyone, Just thought I would give a quick update on what's been going on! I did get through for an interview for Cancer Advice and Support Assistant at the new cancer centre openeing in a few weeks at my local hospital. Apparently there were 80 applicants but unfortunately I didn't get the job. I spent 2 hours with CAB on Thursday filling in the DLA form. My goodness, what a session! The lady was really nice but she was worried that it was making me low as I hadn't realized how much I CAN'T do, when I thought I was doing well!! I can only apply for the lower limit (mobility) which is the grand sum of £18+ a week but at least it would be something coming into my bank account lol. I also mentioned about being turned down for JSA and she was surprised. She said that even if the house was sold I could have the money in my account for up to 6 months before being taken into acount for any benefits. She said the idea being that the money would be used to buy another home. She wasn't sure why it was being used already and discounted! She advised I should appeal so I have. I'm still getting the run around from the out of area hospital where I had my surgery and follow up appts. They have broken their own guidelines on response time to written complaints SO many times that I'm considering lodging a complaint about how long they are taking to deal with my original one lol! I had my 3 monthly check up on Weds with the skin consultant at my hospital (he is so lovely). He is concerned about the lymphoedema because I have bumps forming on the skin which he said could lead to the skin breaking down. He said I was to practice walking on my hands and then all the fluid would drain away and I would just have to worry about having fat fingers lol! He's also keeping an eye on a mole on the same leg (on the shin) that has developed a 'shadow'. Not sure what they will do because surgery would not be a good option because of infection etc. Never mind, I have an appt with the Lymphoedema clinic at the Hospice on the 15th so I will hopefully be shown a way of wearing the compression stocking without it cutting across the skin graft. I hope you are all keeping as well as you can and enjoying the better weather! Take care pheonix xxx
  • FormerMember

    Good to hear from you again and to be updated, bit of a bummer not getting the job having got so far. Good luck in your fight with the finances and the hospital.

    Take care and keep well
