Sad news

2 minute read time.
Last night I had a call from a friend in Essex to tell me that a mutal friend had passed away on Sunday. We three met at the school gates when our children first started school and became good friends. We would pop round to each other for a coffee some mornings and in the school holidays we would take it in turns to hold 'play afternoons' at our homes so our children could still see each other and we would spend the time nattering away! Time went by and the kids went off to different senior schools so we didn't get to meet up as often as we all three then started working. Now and again though we would make the effort to meet for lunch. Then I heard through my friend that the other had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I sent her a card saying that I had heard that she wasn't well (didn't mention Cancer then in case I had been given the wrong info) and said as she knew I was a Reiki healer did she want me to visit? She phoned me the next day and I would go to her house once a week to give her Reiki alongside her chemo etc. In fact it's her cat that gave birth to my Gabriel lol! Anyway, my friend recovered and has now been cancer free for over 8 years. She supervises at a local Leisure centre, runs keep fit classes and teaches Salsa and she's now nearly 60!! It was she who rang last night. Our friend was diagnosed with bowel cancer last Summer. She was younger than us though our kids were the same age. I was back in Essex after Christmas last year and popped round to see how she was and I 'knew' by just looking into her eyes that she would not be with us for long. She said that she had been diagnosed in the summer, had treatment/surgery and thought it had gone but it had come back in less than 6 months. She was so determined to fight it again, bless her. Sadly that was not meant to be. Her funeral is next week. Now, what are the odds that three friends should ALL get Cancer? One breast, one bowel and me mm? Could you good people just spare a thought for Sue, her husband John and their two sons Chris and Simon at this very sad time. Take care pheonix xxx