paying for dressings

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Hi, sorry it's me again. I had the District Nurse again today as wound still 'wet' (different one from Friday) and she mentioned that as this was going to take a while to heal and I would need it dressed every other day at the moment then I will have to pay for the dressings. This is something that had not even crossed my mind so maybe being a bit naive? The irony is I don't get free prescriptions because of I'm on Statutory Sick Pay, but surely the very fact that I'm off work because I am sick should automatically guarantee exemption??? Apparently not according to the nurse. She's suggested I get a 3 monthly 'season' ticket and ask the next nurse to put as much as she can on it to help save me some money. Now, with hassle from Housing Benefit/Council Tax Dept for lack of funds how am I expected to pay for this? Sorry if I am being ignorant here, just musing when the next thing is going to crawl out of the woodwork lol! Just keep trying to work out what sort of lesson I should be learning in all of this? Must find that silver lining soon! Take care pheonix xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Phoenix - it's just one thing after the other isn't it? Do you have a local hospice, near to your home? If you do, give them a ring and ask to speak to their social worker/s. These workers are miracle creators as they know everything you are entitled to and they will apply for certain grants on your behalf to help you with any added expenses. If not, phone the hospital where you're being treated and speak with the cancer care nurses, these can also be an asset to you as they will get you the forms you need and help you with filling them in. There are countless organisations out there who are quite willing to help all of us in our time of need. Good luck Phoenix, with love                kate xxxxxxxxxxxxx