Just to make things clear!

2 minute read time.

Hi everbody and Happy New Year to you all. I have been catching up on the blogs and older postings and felt after reading some of the responses that I needed to make a few things clear as regards to what I do! Can I just make one thing clear though, especially to Seanty? I am not a "quack". I am professionaly trained, qualified and belong to an association with rules and codes of conduct for their members. I am insured to treat the public and to teach Reiki. I have been employed by my local Council (where I lived at the time) to de-stress staff in the work-place, allowed to give Reiki sessions to PCT staff at clinics/medical centres in their lunchtimes AND worked sessions at my own GP practice and had patients referred to me by the GP. I also was employed to give Reiki sessions to the local Carer's Centre clients and the local Healthy Living Centre (staff as well as clients). I also give voluntary Reiki sessions to my local Women's Refuge where I live now and have been asked to provide Reiki to the Cancer patient's as part of the "make me beautiful" workshops on offer at my local hospital PLUS giving Reiki taster sessions to a local charity for bereaved parents. I have been invited to give talks on Reiki by Adult Education Centres and Duke of Edinborough Award Schemes. I hope that doesn't sound like I am "blowing my own trumpet" I just wanted to make it clear that I am a professional whether Sean agrees or not lol! In fact next Saturday my colleague and I are giving a 2 hour workshop on the benefits of Reiki on stress (by invitation) to the International Stress Management Association. If anyone has any questions about what I do or how effective it is then I am more than happy to answer if I can. I also want to stress that NO ONE can claim to cure cancer, it is ILLEGAL to do so in this country. I have never made or implied that I can, just shared some of my experiences with patient's who came to me who had cancer. Of course, I now have had personal experience of this disease which brought me to this site in the first place! Healers are human, just like everyone else and we all have the same stresses and joys in our lives. Thankfully though we have 'extra' resources to call on as well as conventional treatments and no genuine healer would advise a client to stop their treatment. 'Complementary' means just that, to 'complement' the regular course of treatment. To work side by side. If Complementary therapies can help alleviate side effects, reduce stress and promote general well-being who would want to stop that? Sorry if I have rambled on but felt that I had to clarify a few things. "Quack" I am definately NOT lol! Take care pheonix xxx
