History repeating itself?

1 minute read time.
Hello everyone, It's nearly a year to the day that I was diagnosed with a Malignant Melanoma and all that followed last year. Thankfully I have been given the 'all clear' and have now had two of my 3 monthly check-ups for the next 3 years. The reason I am writing this is my 19yr old daughter. Last time she came home for the weekend from Uni I noticed a mole on the lower part of her back that she couldn't see. I was concerned (as anyone with the experience of mm will know!) to see that it had dark pigmentation in it. I mentioned it to her but she just thought I was making a fuss. She went back to Uni but at my next 3 monthly check up I mentioned it to my Consultant who advised me to get it checked as MM can run in families. On Tues I made an appt with a GP (ours was on holiday) as my daughter is home again for the Summer. The GP was a bit dismissive until I showed him my skin graft on my ankle and told him the reason for it AND that my Consultant had said to get hers checked out. So he reluctantly agreed to refer her to the 2 week Skin Clinic at our local hospital. The NEXT day she had a call from the hospital and was told an appt has been made for next Tues, how's that for efficiency!!? I'm really hoping it's nothing to worry about but as we all know hoping doesn't always work. So, almost to the day I will be back at the same hospital, same clinic and same time appt as I had last year. How weird is that? Take care pheonix xxx
  • FormerMember

    Phoenix,  congratulations on your status.    Fingers crossed for your daughter.  I hope that your fears are unfounded but I would be the same in your shoes.   Good luck to you both.   x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi P,

    Perhaps we've both developed Munchausen's by proxy along with melanoma!  I too have noticed a mole on my daughter's uper back, dark, and a bit lumpy looking!  She's reluctant to humour my concerns, having already had one benign mole removed a couple of years back, which has left a scarab beetle shaped scar on her back.  However, having watched the finale of Grey's Anatomy on Thursday, where the lovely Dr Izzy Stephens succumbs to metatastic melanoma, she's decided she will make an appointment to see our GP.  I too am hoping it's nothing more than paranoia on my part, but this thing can run in families due to a dodgy gene... let's both hope we haven't got it!!

    Good luck to your daughter and mine!

    Marsha x