Bowel Cancer UK Symptoms Of Bowel Cancer

1 minute read time.

I am including this section in my story, just so people can see what they should be looking out for (I only looked this up after my diagnosis). The main symptoms to look out for on Bowel Cancer UK’s website ( are:

  • Bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo
  • A persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason
  • A pain or lump in your tummy

From this list, I never noticed any blood in the lead up to the diagnosis. My bowel habits never really changed, occasionally I perhaps couldn’t manage to go to the toilet, or sometimes I went a bit more frequently, but again there was nothing in that to make me worry something was wrong. I also never noticed a pain or lump in my tummy.

However, I did have the unexplained weight loss and the extreme tiredness for no obvious reason; it never even occurred to me that it would be bowel cancer. This is why I will urge anyone to go and get themselves checked out if they notice anything wrong/out of the ordinary, I hope it would be nothing, or something easily resolved, but equally I could’ve been seen a bit earlier and maybe in better shape than I was, had I acted sooner. 

  • hi HawkeyeBrown,  I totally agree with what you say. Also to get more than one opinion. Be persistent - I saw a Dr four times who told me I had piles. Luckily on my 5th visit I saw a Locum who examined me (other Dr didn't ) who said to be on the safe side to go for a colonoscopy. This was 18 months after first visit. The result was bowel  cancer. Luckily it hadn't spread. That was October 2010.

  • Massively important to push your GP to look into any symptoms you get. I got told I was dehydrated and constipated for 9 months before everything kicked off. Gp 's don't seem to be able to diagnose things like they used to for some reason. The pressing point though is to get checked out if anything appears to be unusual or something changes in a way that isn't normal for you. I hope lots of people get to read these posts and it helps somebody!