Nasty Pasty

Less than one minute read time.

My cancer's a Nasty Pasty,

It snook out round the back

And got into my liver, which

It soon put out of whack.

It cooked up lots of mischief

Making many friends.

Together they all trashed the place

Their fun just never ends.

They broke eight ribs in tandem

In a two-pronged snack attack,

Then made a mobile hotspot

Inside my lower back.

From there they're calling all their mates

To come and join the fray.

I'm often left to wonder

What they're going to do today.

They tell me that they'll get me

Somewhere frightening and dark,

Perhaps just when I think I'm safe

They'll knife me in the park.

But I don't care for bullies,

Just as they don't care for me.

I can be bloody-minded

When I'm hiding in a tree.

I'll see if I can muster

All my cunning, wits and gile

And do what Nasty Cancer hates

And stick around a while.

I might be lucky,  might be not

Nasty Cancer will then see

It might be that it takes my life

But it WON'T be taking ME.
