Am I being DENSE!!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

Have asked mac site to help, no response...could someone tell me:

1) how to add my favourite forums to the ones they have automatically added for me.

2) how to be a 'follower' of each forum that you want.

sorry to be a nuisance, but have tried for days to figure it out.


  • FormerMember

    ok underneath the blog writing below the username post in tiny green letters it says posted (date) then just under there are 2 options - either add post to favoutirtes or add blog to favourites - if you reply to a blog you then get an option to get an email whenever someone replies to the blog (a bit like on facebook when someone comments on your status) Hope this helps - and dont give up just ask us :o) Jools xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Jools