save money

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hi all we all know how tight money can be specialy when dealing with the situation we are in. my father lin law put me onto this and should help those that rely on benefits , ring up your energy supplier and enquire about the reduced tarrif for people on reduced income, basically its if you spend more then 10% of your income on heating & gas & electrice. don't worry if you cannot work it out they will do it all for you if you quallify you will get a 20% lower tarrif. regards paulo
  • FormerMember

    thanks paulo will try that , i'm spending £50 a week on fuel at the momment and its crippling . thanx for the tip

  • FormerMember

    Hi Paulo - I didn't know that, so many thanks for the information. I'll certainly give my suppliers of gas a wee ring and finding out if I qualify. This is an expensive disease to have, so any help we can get is well appreciated,  love        kate xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    That is such a useful tip (for UK).  As your Blog will quickly fall off the edge of the page, I wonder if you would mind posting this tip once again, but in the Financial Issues section of the Forums?  That way, it will stay up and people looking for help with money will know where to look for it.  Thank you for sharing this with us.  Any more where this came from?   xxxx Penny

  • FormerMember

    hi penny

                  i would put the blog where you wanted but i cannot locate the section you are indicating. i am glad that you find this tip usefull

    but do it quick as i have been warned that there may be a cut off period.

    regards paul xx