Things are moving at last.

1 minute read time.


My husband Pat is 66 and has Parkinson's Disease, Type 11 Diabetes, Congestive Cardiac  failure and has had one heart attack and also has benign Asbestosis in his lungs and a large Hiatus Hernia. 

For the past year he has had regular vomiting and other odd symptoms. It was difficult to know the cause as symptoms overlapped due to his complex situation. This culminated in several hospital admissions and many different clinic appointments with a variety of specialists. It  finally ended on October 17 this year when a contrast CAT scan of his abdomen showed mass in his abdomen and a small area of concern in his liver. A biopsy diagnosed a low grade Carcinoid tumour in the messentry ( connecting tissue) near his bowel. The liver mass was too small to do a Biopsy. This is a rare tumour and often only found by accident during surgery for something else. 

Start of the journey

Tomorrow we start two days of Octreotide scans and then next week at last we meet with the Oncologist to get results and treatment plan. We have been told it will probably be surgery and chemotherapy. I have not found much about this in the groups so thought it might be of interest to others. Macmillan gave me a great link with lots of info about it from their site.

I will continue to post as we go along.


  • FormerMember

    The appointment went well and we were pleased that Chemo will not be necessary. Instead Pat will start Octreotide injections within the week. As he has regional spread to the liver, surgical options will be looked at by the MDT but they have to take in to account all his other problems. The consultant was great and she was very optimistic about prognosis.

    I will report back again on how he does once things have started.