Continuing care

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Pat has now plateaued. He had his Octreotide injection on the ward yesterday and was given Morphine beforehand at my request. I phoned this am and he had a comfortable night.

He is doubly incontinent, totally paralysed on the right side and cannot speak, but understands. He is not expected to improve further. Although his medical need has gone from not needing to be in hospital to now needing to due to increased pain levels,the long term planning has begun. I am told that although he has many needs, he is unlikely to get Continuing Care which would NHS fund care in the community. Much as I would wish to, it is not possible to have him at home, even with full support input. I am fortunate in having access to some expert advice should Continuing care be denied. I am afraid it is all about money.

I have approached a local hospice that is opening 3 palliative care beds near to where I live. It is a long shot, but worth a try.I got the contact from the local cancer support services at our hospital.


Will keep you informed.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Nic,

    The latest is that he meets the criteria to apply for Continuing Care and an application has been made. It will not be easy but as his condition if so unpredictable, his need to be in hospital varies from day to day. My daughter came up to visit yesterday and we both feel that it will be some time before anything happens.

    I do appreciate your kindness in following my tale and I hope things are as good as possible for you and yours.

    Take care,


  • FormerMember
    Pat went in to a Nursing home on Thrusday, 10mins drive from where we live. He is being well cared for and his needs are intensive. He likes it vey much, especially the food albeit a soft diet. It is open visiting and visiting pets are welcome so my daughter and grandson can bring their dog. It has been an emotional week all round but a relief now that things are settled. I got NHS funded nursing care with a joint funded SS input.