what a farce!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

mum had district nurse this morning who was concerned about mums very low blood pressure and sodium levels .tried to get her on commode after nurse went with help of my sister but she was too weak .phoned macmillan nurse who liased with d.nurse and ambulance was sent to take mum intohospital .ambulance men had no notes so had to explain what was the matter with her .then got a student doctor and had to explain it all again .to top it all ambulance men had her down as v.low blood pressure high sodium levels,   doctor got her down as v.low blood pressure low sodium levels .at 8.30 this morning gps receptionist queried why we hwdnt picked up prescription for frumeazide for mum which we knew nothing about ,then when we fetched it from chemist nursefoned to say dont give it her as it would make blood pressure even lower.talk about the left hand not knowing what the right hands doing ...and they wonder why people talk about the nhs.....x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Passion,

    You are having a hard old time of it. As you say it sounds like there,s lack of  communication somewhere along the line. Then to give you a medicine for your Mum which would make her worse.Its just as well you where home when they phoned.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi passion

    Sorry it's so difficult.  It might help to write out or type up a brief history.  Print multiple copies and keep it to hand, that way if you are constantly asked for a history you can whip it out and tell them it's all there which saves distress and you forgetting anything.

    Hope things look up a bit soon.lx