newly diagnosed

1 minute read time.
hi. i must admit im using this site as therapy for myself. i never want to forget any detail of this experience. had biopsy results on monday -breast cancer with traces of cancer found under armpit. husband with me, just as well cause i didnt take much in. macmillan nurse very good and explained a lot after doctor left room. explained that i had a lot of pain in back for approx 5 months so they rushed through CT for Tuesday. The hours after scan till results on wednesday is a time i cannot put into words, I was terrified. I really thought if I get bad news would i be able to cope. I could possibly manage if i had one site, but if more!!!!!!!! i have elderly parents how would they cope, the children, i wouldnt be able to give them hope if i thought the worst. -THANK GOD it came back as only one site. i came out of meeting positive and so happy ; chemo here i come, surgery date not in near future, appointment sorted for wig and oncology department. THE APPOINTMENT AT THE BREAST CLINIC WAS LIFE CHANGING, HOW I HAD MY HEAD IN THE SAND TO WHAT OTHER PEOPLE WERE GOING THROUGH. I HAVE HAD FAMILY MEMBERS AFFECTED BUT TO ACTUALLY BE THE PATIENT I SHALL NEVER SEE THINGS THE SAME AGAIN.
  • FormerMember

    hope you've had a good weekend.  thanks for the message, lovely to see it.  i have also lost family members, presently my father in law is going through it as well.  but it certainly helps to talk to others.  thanks again

  • FormerMember

    thanks for replying, i named myself paranoid because i read something into everything over the last couple of weeks.  im normally quite rational .  im feeling quite upbeat at the moment, just wanting to get things started, but im sure il be needing your support sometime - be ready

  • FormerMember

    thanks for the message.  yes i think we have to look at things positively...i hope like you i can look back and think yes i am proud of myself.  also the effect on others around you ie your family when you can be upbeat and optomistic is amazing

  • FormerMember

    thanks for replying, did wonder if i would have any and when i looked i had four (great) im feeling quite upbeat at the moment but im sure il need your support and advice some day - so be ready